Saturday, January 28, 2006

How Are Your ARMs?

In the last five years, many home buyers took advantage of the low interest rates available to borrowers who opt for an Adjustable Rate Mortgage, or ARM. While the advantage of a lower interest rate is appealing, many home owners are now seeing the drawback of an ARM when they receive notice that the loan has reached the end of the initial period under which the intreest rate was locked in, and their interest rate --and payment-- are going up. I am now hearing from homeowners who need help dealing with the increased payment.

Be Proactive!

Long term mortgage rates are still very good--the low 6% range for qualified borrowers. If you have an ARM, now may be a good time to consider refinancing into a fixed rate mortgage. While I do not expect we will see fixed rate mortgages top 7% this year, I do expect that rates will head to the high 6% range by the end of the year.

Call me today at 414.453.7620 to learn more about your options!