Thursday, September 27, 2007


"Who Else Wants an Opportunity to Win All Sorts of Prizes Just for Being a Valued Member of the KLM Mortgage Group Family?"

Here at KLM headquarters we all decided that it was time to start having some fun. The best part about it is YOU are going to receive all the benefits! Starting in September 2007 we will be giving away prizes each and every month as our way of showing our appreciation for all of your loyalty and support over the years. Prizes will include Starbuck's gift cards, Apple iPods, Local Area Restaurant Gift Certificates, including Joey Buona's and much much more. There will be two giveaways each month. The first will be a general drawing that all of you will be entered into just by being a valued KLM family member. The second drawing will be specifically for anyone who has a birthday in that month. Unfortunately, over the years some of our information for birthdays did not come with us. This is where you can help us so you can have a chance to win. Just enter your information below so we can update our records and make sure you get entered into all of the drawings you are eligible for.

Prizes Giveaway Entry Form

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wisconsin Foreclosures

According to the latest statistics, there are three times as many foreclosures currently going on in Wisconsin as there were this time last year. This is a direct result of rate adjustments on the massive number of subprime mortgages placed in the last five years. If you or someone you know has a subprime mortgage and an upcoming rate adjustment is going to make it hard for you to make your payments, there are options. FHA has recently announced a new program which allows favorable refinance options for people who may not be able to afford their mortgage payment due to a rate adjustment.

Call me today to learn more at: 414.453.7620

Read more about the latest foreclosure statistics in this Business Journal article.