Long time no blog! Sorry about that folks. It's been a busy summer! I managed to get married and stay busy with home buyers and divorce clients all summer. I'm excited to have a few minutes to blog, and wanted to share a thought with you about first time home buyers.
Owning a home is what most people think of when they talk about "The American Dream." Quite frankly, if someone is middle aged and is still a renter, most people will wonder what is wrong. Has this renter failed to move forward financially? Are they afraid to take on the committment of owning a home?
The real estate market has been in turmoil the last few months. No doubt about it. What does this mean for first time home owners? Good deals. Mortgage rates are great right now. FHA and WHEDA still allow folks with modest down payments or credit blemishes to get mortgages with great rates.
Don't let fear of the real estate market keep you on the sidelines. A home is a long term investment and now is a great time to evaluate your buying power. If owning a home is a goal for you, have the courage to research it and find out if now is the right time to buy.
If you or anyone you love is considering buying a home, please call me to find out what options are avialable. I am happy to help! I'm in the office at 414.807.7277.